Tutorials ========= This section include links to external tutorials and articles on Medium_ . .. _Medium : https://amor71.medium.com/ Introduction ------------ This two part serie explains the background behind LiuAlgoTrader, and provides a step-by-step example for backtesting: * Part I : Introduction & Setup_ .. _Setup: https://amor71.medium.com/liualgotrader-part-i-3334a27edd4b * Part II: Backtesting example_ .. _example: https://amor71.medium.com/liualgotrader-part-ii-putting-it-all-together-1d447650808b Optimizer --------- This post presents an end-to-end example of using LiuAlgoTrader trader optimizer_ . .. _optimizer: https://amor71.medium.com/liu-optimizer-42b0d6805d77 Portfolio --------- The concept of portfolio_ is presented and details on how to create a new portfolio. .. _portfolio: https://amor71.medium.com/how-to-manage-a-portfolio-with-liu-e6a7256a096d Tracing ------- LiuAlgoTrader has a built in performance tracing_ features. The how-to explains how to use them. .. _tracing: https://amor71.medium.com/liualgotrader-internals-performance-tuning-4cbb24fb7eba End-to-End Trading Platform setup --------------------------------- This two part how-to walks through setting up LiuAlgoTrader as an automated trading platform on GCP * Part I: Setup on GCP_ and backtesting. .. _GCP: https://amor71.medium.com/how-to-setup-your-trading-platform-part-i-64ea8ea828bb